Cnr London Circuit and City Square, Canberra City
Open today from 12pm to 4pm
Image: Cover, Australian Women’s Weekly, July 1950
Before television dominated popular media from the early 1970s, colourful magazines were an ever-present fixture on the coffee tables and in canteens and waiting rooms across Australia. Their coverage was broad and diverse.
The arts were seen as an important regular feature of magazines such as The Australian Women’s Weekly, targeting the housewife at home, the armchair traveller who read Walkabout, or the bloke who picked up Australasian Post or Pix during smoko. With a focus on the coverage of Sidney Nolan, this exhibition explores how magazines brought art and culture into the lives of their readers, drawing out the eclectic strategies that were used to present contemporary art to a wide
As an expatriate living in London, coverage in Australian magazines kept Nolan in front of a home audience, while international coverage cemented a global reputation and a sense of an Australian national identity.
Curated by Dr Kate Warren, Senior Lecturer, Art History & Curatorship, ANU and 2022 Research Fellow at the National Library of Australia.
Image: Cover, Australian Women’s Weekly, July 1950
The Nolan Collection is an iconic group of paintings from 1945 to 1953 by Sidney Nolan that the artist gifted to the nation in 1974
The Young Nolan Project is a new initiative where an individual school is invited to work on an extended program and present their resulting art to the public
Gifted to the people of Australia by Sir Sidney Nolan in March 1975, this nationally significant group of 24 early…
Celebrate 50 years of Nolan’s cultural legacy with our year-long program of exhibitions, concerts, talks, and a symposium.
In 1974…